Tagged: RMAN

RMAN detect corruption

You can validate your database using Oracle Recovery Manager command BACKUP VALIDATE. RMAN> BACKUP VALIDATE DATABASE ARCHIVELOG ALL; No backup is created. If there are block corruptions you can find them in the dictionary view V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION . By default the execution of “backup validate” only check physical corruption. You must add the CHECK LOGICAL clause if you want control logical corruption. RMAN> BACKUP VALIDATE CHECK LOGICAL DATABASE ARCHIVELOG ALL; Oracle Recovery Manager can validate the contents of backup files using the RESTORE VALIDATE ; this command can be use to control the integrity of your backup. RMAN> RESTORE DATABASE VALIDATE;...

Problem affecting rman and redolog

  I have worked on a db  were a rman configured to make a backup every 2 hour that means every two hours we found in the alert.log ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG and the db suddenly slows. The problem was the db has only 3 redolog. When the backup started rman forces the ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG and oracle needs to find a free redolog. it switched the redolog and as soon it fill the new redolog the archive must finish. if not oracle does not have a free redolog to switch, forced it to wait ( the db seems...

A new feature in Oracle 11g: ACTIVE DUPLICATE

Very often we need to make copies of the production database in test environments to be able to perform functional tests which can then be issued on production. To make a copy of the database there are several methods. Some of these are: •    Export / import mode (which uses the utility expdp / impdp made available to Oracle and that will be the subject of future articles); •    Cold Copy  (made with a physical copy of the file; if the source is down you do not need a step of recovery, while if the source is active then you...