Tagged: Oracle 11g


This topic contains RANGE-PARTITIONED TABLES that is available since Oracle 8i. 1. RANGE-PARTITIONED TABLES The PARTITION BY RANGE clause of the CREATE TABLE statement specifies that the table or index is to be range-partitioned. The PARTITION clauses identify the individual partition ranges, and the optional sub clauses of a PARTITION clause can specify physical and other attributes specific to a partition segment. Using Reference Partitioning: Range partitioning is useful when you have distinct ranges of data you want to store together. The classic example of this is the use of dates. Here an example: Creates a table of four partitions,...

Calling an ODI Scenario from APEX

How to call scenario odi from apex application. Instead to open the client to execute the run of the scenario there is possibility to call odi scenario just using a button created into your application front-end apex. Objects to create – Job type PLSQL_BLOCK – Apex button to enable the job indicated Here the source for the button As we developed the following Download the script that contains: – create job – enable the job created Out of scope: – Create scenario propaedeutic for the job, in this case the scenario calls PKG_ALLINEA_CASSE (see ScenarioName tag)