Tagged: PL

Nested table

In PL SQL exists an efficient and adaptable collection of data: Nested table. Nested table is similar to one dimensional array but with some differences : An array has declare number of element – Nested table not. The size of nested table can increase using extend method. An array has always consecutive elements – Nested table has consecutive elements initially but it can become sparse when elements are deleted. To create a nested table you have to use this syntax : type type_name is table of element_type[size element]; table_name type_name; Here below an example to creation and use of a...

Binary Search

One of the most interesting algorithms of research is binary search algorithm. This is the fastest algorithm (algorithm of binary trees apart) to search a data inside a group of elements. In fact it runs in a worst log2(x) comparisions before to find (or not) the data. The only prerequisite is : the set of elements where to search the data must be sorted. Below an example of this algorithm. int binary_search( int arr[], int tot_el, int data ) { /* Declaration and initialization of variables */ int el = 0; int me = 0; int count = 0; /*...

Create an Index By Table of Record

An index by table is an associative array. An associative array never has more than two columns: the variable being indexes and the index value. However you can combine a record with an associative array to tie multiple values to the same index.   In this case the array still has a variable and an index, but the record variable now contains multiple distinct values. In the below example you’ll see how to associate a record to an associative array.   DECLARE   TYPE r_impiegati IS RECORD (                        ...