Tagged: oracle database release rman

6-11g Release 2 RMAN Backup Compression

Oracle 11g Release 2 introduced compression algorithm levels which can be used for compressing table data,Data Pump exports and RMAN backups as well. The compression levels are BASIC, LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH and each affords a trade off related to backup througput and the degree of compression afforded. To use this option, we can run the following RMAN commands RMAN> CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK BACKUP TYPE TO COMPRESSED BACKUPSET; followed by .. RMAN> CONFIGURE COMPRESSION ALGORITHM ĹHIGHĺ; or RMAN> CONFIGURE COMPRESSION ALGORITHM ĹMEDIUMĺ; or RMAN> CONFIGURE COMPRESSION ALGORITHM ĹLOWĺ; or RMAN> CONFIGURE COMPRESSION ALGORITHM ĹBASICĺ; Tests carried out on a...